Home Stretch

On Friday, I submitted a rough draft of my thesis. Everything immediately got very intense- my brain was swirling with thoughts of ringing the Taylor bell, and I had a bit of a freakout. The last six weeks have been hard, because I haven’t been able to really participate in the things I wanted to- there’s only so much crutching back and forth across the big hill a person can do before collapsing, not to mention attempting to navigate SEPTA! Now that I’m walking again, I’m feeling especially restless.

The time to complete my Bryn Mawr bucket list is winding down, so the next few weeks are going to have to be packed. I’ve been doing okay with crossing things off of it, but the clock is ticking and I feel I’ve forgotten a few things. I missed out on the Duck Pond Run AND the last senior cocktails, so I’m packing next week full of adventuring to make up for it. My friend/soulmate/cat co-parent is coming to visit from NY, and he’s staying for the whole week. Not great for homework, but really amazing for my state of mind!

This is us, last time he came to visit:


This time, I’m dragging him out to the mothership- I only have a month left, and he has to see it before I leave! He’s managed to escape the college visit every other time, but this time, I’m forcing it. What are your favorite things to do with your non-Mawrtyr friends when they come to campus? My hope is for hammock time, at the very least. Suggestions welcome! And if you had your senior year to do all over again, what would be on YOUR bucket list?