Happy Hell Week!

I finally finished all of my crafting, got those crafts to where they needed to go, put things in the mail, and made snack plans for Plenary. It’s Hell Week! Today at 5:34, the Taylor Bell rang and we officially welcomed a few newbies into the incestuous McB hell family. I’m so excited to see them through the roller coaster of the next bunch of days!

They successfully completed their scavenger hunt and met us all in Erdman, where their hellers were waiting with schedules, and a big group of us were ready with an absurdly loud anass. Dinner was a whirlwind of schedule reading and planning and questions, interrupted by the occasional serenade or poetic ode. The costumes happened so quickly, too- the bell rang, and mawrtyrs everywhere became master quickchange artists. It’s going to be a good week.

The McB’s have plans to go hard at Shipley, because crashing seems especially inappropriate for us…get ready for pictures of extremely confused dance attendees.

I’ll be posting more frequently on Twitter and Insta, so stay tuned there for Hell Week updates! And a big re-cap will come next week.

Also, pro-tip for first-years- befriend a McB. Most of us (myself excluded) have cars, and we’re pretty sympathetic to the running-in-the-cold part. If you keep it quiet, we’ll give you a ride to the Duck Pond on Saturday morning. <3