Hell Week, Part 2

This isn’t the Hell Week update you are expecting, I’m sure. I was leaving my Haverclass last Thursday to catch the Blue Bus back to the Mawr for Hell Week shenanigans when I stepped off the curb and rolled my ankle. I felt/heard something snap, and then I couldn’t really put weight on it, but I just figured I’d sprained it. An ace bandage and some ice, and it’ll be better really soon, right?

I spent the next eight hours with ice and compression, but by the end of the night, it had turned a shade of purple that was too weird to ignore. The amazing McBrides drove me to the Bryn Mawr Hospital ER for x-rays and a real diagnosis. Turns out, I broke my ankle. I am in my vey late twenties, and I have a broken bone. What the heck?!

It has been an endlessly frustrating weekend- really lonely, with a heaping helping of super deep bone pain. I had to miss the Friday festivities because I can’t put any weight on my left ankle. I FaceTimed into bedtime stories, and read to the McB’s, but it wasn’t the same as being there. I don’t have any pictures of my story, because I was on a computer…it was rough. It continues to be rough. I’ve been home since Thursday, keeping up with my readings for class and hobbling around my house trying not to whack the cats with my crutches. Swayze is really scared of them, but really fond of my cast- he keeps head butting it because he thinks it’s a stuffed animal. I’ve woken up the last few days with Swayze asleep  next to my leg, with a paw on the cast. Batman has been the best doctor cat ever, spending most of his time either on me or close enough that he can look over and ensure my safety.

I’m really looking forward to the end of this particular adventure. Underwater basket weaving is today, and I’m sad about missing it, but I think I’ll be back for reconciliation day tomorrow. It’ll be nice to celebrate the end of Hell Week with the McB’s, even though I don’t have hellees of my own. I miss campus, but I’m not super looking forward to trying to get around on crutches when it’s basically one big sheet of ice. I have an appointment with a podiatrist today to determine whether I’ll need surgery, and maybe to get this fiberglass cast off. Wish me luck- the best possible outcome is no surgery and a short recovery time. Ugh.

I had my appointment, and the outcome is right in the middle of best and worst. I don’t need surgery, which is great, but I am not yet in a boot. I have a cast (my first one ever!), I still can’t put weight on it, and the recovery time is 6-8 weeks. The doc said that the fact that I’m strong and active will help with healing. Hey, it could always be worse, right? At least I’ll be walking by graduation. Bonus, the cast makes my already super jacked calves look even bigger! Thanks for being awesome, legs.
