The Halfway Point

Welcome back, Mawrtyrs! I’d planned to go to New Orleans for the break, but my broken ankle really prevented any kind of exciting travel. The good news is that the cast came off last week (whoohoo!), but the bummer is that I’m still not allowed to put any weight on it.

I used my break to rest and recover- I did a lot of reading, I elevated my leg, and I saw my family. My last spring break as an undergrad was exactly what I needed- and I’m glad it happened the way it did.

This week is exceptionally busy! It’s the end of midterms, so I have a few papers due. We have the McBride General Meeting tonight! It’s the once-per-semester meeting of the McBride minds when we get dinner and talk about the progress that we’ve made so far and what we want to do in the future. I’m excited about this one because we’re talking about elections for next year! We’re also discussing the Labyrinth tradition, which is fairly new for Bryn Mawr (it’s only in its third year), and happening in mid-April. I’m participating for the first time this year, so I’ll tell you all about it when it happens!

Wednesday is the campus-wide Community Day of Learning- there are so many amazing things happening during the day, and I’ll only be able to go to two! I’m hoping that the lectures are filmed or recorded, because I’d love to be able to see more of them. I’m proud of Bryn Mawr for carving out the whole day for something so important, and for working with students and faculty to create programming that makes sense for our community. I really can’t wait- it’s been in the works for a while, and people have really dedicated a lot of time to making it great. Anassa kata, Mawrtyrs!

I’ll report back at the end of the week, but if you’re interested in learning more about it, or following along from home, check out: and on Twitter, #mawr2learn.

Oh, and final thing- happy spring! It’s officially not winter anymore, and I’m reveling in the light jackets and short sleeves that this amazing weather is for. Enjoy it, everybody!