April 2015

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The April 2015 elections round is happening RIGHT NOW! I have a lot of feelings about elections- when I was nominated last year to serve on the Honor Board, it was a total surprise. I gave it a lot of thought, and I decided that I’d accept the nomination and run for the position. If someone out there in Bryn Mawr land thought that I was capable, then I really wanted to see what it was all about, and prove them right. (And that is just as valid a reason as getting to Bryn Mawr and knowing immediately that the Honor Board is your one true calling, right? Right.) So I ran, and I was elected, and it has been a great year. I loved my time on the Honor Board, and I’m bummed that I couldn’t do it again. I’ve met students, formed relationships with deans and faculty members I might not have even met otherwise, and learned more about what it really takes to make this community tick.

I’m indebted to the 2014-15 Honor Board for showing me that a diverse group really can work well together, and for being so great at decompressing when needed. We’re also collectively pretty great at orientations (and coloring!). I think I’ve served the position well, and I’m excited for the next bunch to come in and have as rewarding an experience as I’ve had.

My friend Miranda is running for a 1 Year Class of 2016 Honor Board Representative position, and as her informal campaign manager, I’ve got to put this out there: Vote for Miranda Smith! She’s got a deep, deep love for this community, and she wants to help make it even better. There’s no two ways around it, she should be on the Honor Board. More information on the poster below:


On Thursday night, under a moon that was not actually full, the McBrides and supporters (loved ones, friends, fellow students, faculty, administrators) celebrated journeys that have been as winding and complicated as the labyrinth itself. I may be a senior, but this was my first time participating in this tradition. I was blown away by the show of support, from the reception before the actual event, to the party afterward.

At every turn in the labyrinth, there were readers with quotes and a script about our academic and non-academic lives, before, during, and after Bryn Mawr College. Some of it was not really applicable to me, now that I’ve reached the end of my BMC adventure, but other parts were overwhelming. Of course, the McBride readers were the most intense- I wept as soon as I saw Miranda and Dawn- and again when we got back to them the second time. (Whoops.)

Like every Bryn Mawr tradition, it’s difficult to describe the magic to a person who hasn’t witnessed it. There were lanterns, there was fire, people cried, and it was beautiful. For the rest, I’m including a few pictures of the reception- and when the pictures of the event come out, I’ll post those here too. I promise I won’t self-censor; you, dear reader, will see all of my Claire Danes ugly crying, and you will respect me anyway. After all, isn’t that what traditions really boil down to?



I. O. U.

Hi everyone! I know that Tuesday is my usual update day, but this week is going to be really exciting at the end, so stay tuned to this space for a double update this weekend. On Thursday at 7:40 (sundown), the McBrides are celebrating the Labyrinth Tradition- under the light of lanterns and stars, we will honor our unique journeys through life to Bryn Mawr. On Friday, BMC is welcoming Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor as the recipient of the 2015 Hepburn Medal. I’ll be attending the student event and the medal ceremony, and posting about everything!

So consider this post a placeholder for the many awesome things to come, and I’ll see you all at the end of the week!


It’s official-spring has definitely made it to Bryn Mawr. There are tour groups on campus every day, people have finally broken out their sundresses, and people are smiling! It feels like we’ve made it through something terrible together, even though this winter was actually not that bad (especially compared to last year!).

For me, spring means studying on my porch instead of in my living room. The sounds of the train going by, all of the birds and bats that live on my block, and the perfect amount of sun all morning work together to make the best homework environment ever. The beginning of fall and the end of spring are my best times of the academic year, because I get to be outside. Running around, climbing trees, making picnics, and actually seeing other humans- this is the stuff that really gives me life.

What’s your favorite part of spring? What are you looking forward to? Other than, of course, May Day and graduation- everyone loves those. 😀

